Expanding COVID-19 Vaccine Access to Family Physicians

We have waited quite some time to play an integral role in the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccines to our patients. Many of the mass vaccination events have ended and it is now our turn to give it our best shot and educate our patients and communities on the importance of receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. It is time for family physicians to do what we do best!

We Can Do This!

If you need access to the vaccine in smaller quantities, you will need to enroll as a vaccinator/provider in the ShowMeVax system. Instructions to do this are below.

Excess COVID-19 Vaccine for Current Enrolled Vaccinators/Providers

DHSS has several providers across the state with excess vaccines that can be redistributed in smaller quantities to other enrolled providers if they only need a small supply of vaccines. You can take advantage of these opportunities and obtain smaller quantities for your clinic. Remember you must be enrolled as a Missouri COVID-19 vaccine provider to obtain these shared doses.

If you are interested in receiving a redistributed vaccine, contact DHSS at covidvaccineorders@health.mo.gov with your stated interest, the type of vaccine, and the amount you can utilize. They will work with you to obtain these doses.

Enroll to Become a Vaccinator/Provider in the ShowMeVax System

The information below is key points for you to enroll, access, and/or administer the vaccines to your patients.

Vaccine Storage

Ordering amounts of COVID-19 vaccine have been reduced as well as storage requirements updated for the Pfizer vaccine. Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) is able to expand provider eligibility for vaccinators, specifically:

DHSS is now able to offer the Pfizer vaccine in order amounts of 450 and 1,170.

Storage requirements were recently updated for the Pfizer vaccine to extend the time in the refrigerator for unopened vials from five days to 30 days.

The Pfizer vaccine can now be stored in the freezer for up to two weeks and then in the refrigerator for 30 days, if unopened.

Missouri Vaccine Supply and Demand

Become an Enrolled Vaccinator

    In order to administer the vaccine to your patients at your clinic, you must complete the COVID-19 vaccine provider enrollment in the ShowMeVax portal before you can receive vaccines. Providers who are currently enrolled as a Vaccines for Children (VFC) Provider or have access to ShowMeVax must complete the COVID-19 vaccine provider enrollment. Providers who are new to ShowMeVax must:

    Submit a signed copy of the Missouri Immunization Registry MOU. Please email the signed MOU to vfc-smvsupport@health.mo.govwith the Subject Line “COVID Vaccinator MOU”. You should receive a response within 24 hours.

    If your organization has multiple sites, submit the Immunization Site Demographics Template along with the MOU.

    If you do not already have a Vaccines for Children (VFC) PIN or PIN associated with your ShowMeVax account, a unique PIN will be issued in order to complete the enrollment in ShowMeVax. If you are already a VFC provider, your current PIN will be used. DO NOT BEGIN THE SHOWMEVAX USER REGISTRATION PROCESS UNTIL YOU RECEIVE YOUR UNIQUE PIN.

    Complete the You Call the Shots-Module Ten-Storage and Handlingmodule consisting of 136 slides with interactive Q/As and how to record your continuing education. It takes about 30 minutes to complete.

    Review the training materials provided on the COVID-19 Vaccinator Enrollment w

    Refer often to the ShowMeVax COVID-19 Vaccine Providers Enrollment Training Guide for step-by-step instructions.

    Quick Access Links

    COVID-19 Vaccine Provider Checklist
    Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Storage
    Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Prep and Administration
    ShowMeVax Vaccine Provider Enrollment Training Guide
    COVID-19 Enrolled Vaccinator FAQs
    Missouri COVID-19 Vaccine Information

      Let’s work together and increase our COVID-19 vaccine rates (currently at 38.2% of Missourians have completed vaccination, and 43.8% have initiated vaccination)!

      For additional information regarding becoming a COVID-19 vaccine provider, please click here. If you have questions or need assistance with enrollment, contact DHSS at c19vaxenroll@health.mo.gov.


      If you are interested in becoming an enrolled vaccinator, please click here. Let’s work together and increase our COVID-19 vaccine rates (Current data can be found here).

      Vaccine Confidence and Hesitancy

      There are many resources available to help you and your team educate your patients about the COVID-19 vaccine and other immunizations. Here are a few quick access links for you:

      American Academy of Family Physicians – Respond to COVID-19
      American Academy of Family Physicians – COVID-19 Vaccine
      American Academy of Family Physicians Patient Education Resources
      Centers for Disease Control
      ACIP Vaccine Recommendations
      Building Vaccine Confidence

      Missouri Immunization Coalition

      Additional Vaccine Links

      Vaccine Storage Summary
      Prep and Admin Summary
      Provider Checklist
      ShowMeVax Training Guide
      Vaccinator FAQ’s

      Physician Wellness

      ​Member Assistance Program
      Missouri Physician’s Health Program

      MAFP Advocacy

      Missouri Foundation for Health Letter
      Missouri Hospital Association Letter

      Coverage and Reimbursement

      CMS Fact Sheet on Medicare telehealth
      CMS FAQs on Medicare telehealth
      CMS chart on Medicare telehealth
      CMS guidance on Medicaid telehealth
      CMS state guidance on Medicaid telehealth

      Practice Guidelines

      AMA Chart of State Telehealth Laws
      AMA Guidance for Ethical Practice in Telemedicine
      American Telemedicine Association Practice Guidelines
      American Health Information Management Association Telemedicine Toolkit

      Other Resources

      AAFP Resources
      AAFP COVID-19 Rapid Response Member Exchange CommunityMembers only.
      CDC Resources
      SBA Loan Application
      EIDL Application