MAFP Board of Directors
The officers are elected to a one-year term and directors are appointed for a three-year term. Residents and Students are elected by their peers at the Missouri Reception held during National Conference in August. AAFP Delegates are selected by the Nominating Committee to serve a three-year term. Have a question for one of MAFP’s board members? You can email
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Executive Commission
Board Chair
Afsheen Patel, MD (Kansas City)
Natalie Long, MD (Columbia)
Beth Rosemergey, DO (Kansas City)
Lauren Wilfling, DO (St. Louis)
Lisa Mayes, DO (Macon)
District Directors
District 1 Director – Arihant Jain, MD (Cameron)
Alternate – Brad Garstang, MD (Kansas City)
Counties: Atchison, Nodaway, Worth, Harrison, Mercer, Holt, Andrew, Gentry, Daviess, Grundy, Linn, Buchanan, DeKalb, Caldwell, Livingston, Carroll, Platte, Clinton, Clay
District 2 Director – Kelsey Davis-Humes, DO
Alternate – Robert Schneider, DO
Counties: Putnam, Schuyler, Scotland, Clark, Sullivan, Adair, Knox, Lewis, Macon, Shelby, Marion, Chariton, Randolph, Monroe, Ralls, Pike
District 3 Directors – Christian Verry, MD (St. Louis) and Kento Sonoda, MD (St. Louis)
Alternate – Stacy Jefferson, MD (St. Louis)
Counties: City of St. Louis, St. Louis County, St. Charles
District 4 Director – Vacant
Alternate – Jennifer Scheer, MD (Gerald)
Counties: Lincoln, Warren, Gasconade, Franklin
District 5 Director – Amanda Shipp, MD (Versailles)
Alternate – Vacant
Counties: Howard, Boone, Audrain, Cooper, Callaway, Montgomery, Morgan, Moniteau, Cole, Osage, Camden, Miller
District 6 Director – David Pulliam, DO, FAAFP (Higginsville)
Alternate – Misty Todd, MD (Sedalia)
Counties: Ray, Lafayette, Saline, Cass, Johnson, Pettis, Bates, Henry, Benton, Vernon, St. Clair, Hickory, Cedar
District 7 Directors – Chad Byle, MD (Kansas City) and Jacob Shepherd, MD (Lees Summit)
Alternate – Rachel Hailey, MD, FAAFP (Lees Summit)
Counties: Jackson
District 8 Director – Andi Selby, DO, FAAFP (Branson)
Alternate – Barbara Miller, MD (Joplin)
Counties: Barton, Dade, Polk, Dallas, Laclede, Jasper, Lawrence, Greene, Webster, Wright, Newton, Christian, McDonald, Barry, Stone, Taney
District 9 – Director – Douglas Crase, MD (Licking)
Alternate – Vacant
Counties: Maries, Pulaski, Phelps, Crawford, Dent, Texas, Shannon, Howell, Douglas, Ozark, Oregon
District 10 Director – Jenny Eichhorn, MD (Jackson)
Alternate – Vacant
Counties: Jefferson, Washington, Ste. Genevieve, St. Francois, Iron, Reynolds, Carter, Ripley, Butler, Wayne, Madison, Perry, Bollinger, Cape Girardeau, Scott, Stoddard, New Madrid, Mississippi, Dunklin, Pemiscot
Directors at Large
Eric Lesh, DO (Jackson)
Resident Directors
Noah Brown, MD (Mercy)
Karstan Luchini, DO, MS (UMKC) – Alternate
Student Directors
Taylor LaVelle (UMC)
Vacant – Alternate
AAFP Delegates
Peter Koopman, MD (Columbia)
Kate Lichtenberg, DO (Kirkwood)
Sarah Cole, DO (St. Louis) – Alternate
Jamie Ulbrich, MD (Marshall) – Alternate
How the Missouri Chapter Influences AAFP Policies
Two members from the Missouri AFP serve as delegates to the AAFP Congress of Delegates, which is the organization’s policy-making body. Missouri Academy members may submit resolutions on issues that they would like to see addressed. Missouri Academy leadership determines whether resolutions should be submitted to the AAFP Congress of Delegates. For more information on how to submit a resolution to the Missouri AFP Board of Directors, click here.