MAFP Process to Submit a Resolution, Policy or Legislation
MAFP members in good standing are encouraged to submit a proposed resolution, policy, or legislation for consideration by the MAFP Board of Directors. Once a resolution is submitted, it shall be vetted by the MAFP Advocacy Commission (AC) and Board of Directors. Resolutions for AAFP may be reviewed by the selected MAFP delegates for each of the AAFP meetings.
Resolutions submitted for a Missouri regulation, legislation, or public policy shall be reviewed by the MAFP governmental consultants and Advocacy Commission. The final position taken on an issue rests solely upon the MAFP Board of Directors.
The MAFP Board of Directors shall approve positions on AAFP resolutions or Missouri regulations, legislation, and policy based on the outcome of a vote of the MAFP board. In the event a decision is needed between board meetings, the Executive Commission, with guidance from the Advocacy Commission and/or governmental consultant, shall determine the MAFP position on the issue. (MAFP Bylaws, Chapter 8, Section 3).
The MAFP may conduct surveys of the membership to assess the opinion of members in good standing on issues that impact them, their patients, or MAFP. MAFP positions on resolutions, legislation, regulations, or public shall comply with the MAFP Policy on Communications. These survey results shall be utilized to guide MAFP discussion and position on the respective issue.
This does not preclude a member from expressing his/her personal opinion on any issue.
The resolution author must verify if the proposed resolution is current policy or an amendment to current AAFP policy ( Resolutions affirming existing AAFP or MAFP policy will not be considered.
Submission Deadlines
The deadlines below take into consideration the schedules for the MAFP board meetings, commission meetings, and the AAFP deadlines. The deadlines may be amended by the Executive Director if needed.
- NCCL Resolutions: January 1 if input from Advocacy Commission is requested. NCCL resolution authors seeking MAFP feedback must submit their draft resolution via the MAFP Resolution Submission Portal no later than January 1.
- COD Resolutions: May 1. AAFP COD resolution authors who seek MAFP endorsement and board approval must submit their resolution(s) via the MAFP Resolution Submission Portal no later than May 1.
Tips for Crafting Your Proposal
Before writing your resolution, consider these questions to guide the development of the resolution.
- PROPOSED SOLUTION: What specific solution are you proposing to resolve the problem or policy (i.e., what action do you wish the MAFP to take)?
- PROBLEM IMPACT: Approximately how many MAFP members or members’ patients are affected by this problem or proposed policy?
- PROBLEM STATEMENT: What specific practice problem does this resolution seek to solve, or, if this resolution pertains to a proposed new MAFP policy or change of policy, what issue does it seek to address?
- EXISTING EVIDENCE: What evidence do you have that indicates that a problem exists; or that there is a need for a new or revised policy? Please provide citations to support the existence of the problem and your proposed solution.
“Whereas” clauses simply explain the problem or situation being proposed. Since the “whereas” statements explain and support the “resolved” portion, they proceed the “resolved” clause in the written text.
“Resolved” clauses are the call to action in the proposal. The “resolved” clause is the only portion of the resolution that will be voted on. Therefore, the “resolved” portion should be clear and action oriented. Keep the “resolved” clause focused on the desired end result.
It is often easiest to write the “resolved” portion of the resolution first. It forces the author to identify the desired action. Resolutions have a higher chance of success with fewer resolved clauses. After finishing the “resolved” clause(s), write the “whereas” clauses, checking each to determine if the clause is relevant and provides necessary information. Provide adequate support for your “resolved” clause(s), but limit the number of “whereas” clauses to a reasonable number.
Carefully check facts, quotes, references, and statistics for accuracy. Verify any data used, stick to the point, eliminate legalese, and leave your soapbox at home.