MAFP Advocacy Day

You have had a significant impact on legislation over the past several years, and we need you to continue to be the voice of Missouri Family Physicians by participating in Advocacy Day on February 24-25, 2025. This event will be held at the Courtyard Marriott, Jefferson City.

We encourage you to invite a colleague, medical student, or resident to join you to promote the importance of family medicine and primary care. This is your opportunity to educate your State Senator and State Representative on issues that affect you, your profession, and your patients. YOU make a difference!

Advocacy Day Schedule

Monday, February 24, 2025 – Introduction to Advocacy for New Advocates, including Students

10:00 AM10:30 AMWelcome and IntroductionsBill Plank
10:30 AM11:30 AMCivics 101 – How a Bill Becomes a Law and Legislative OverviewSpeaker Jon Patterson, MD
11:30 AM12:00 PMDo’s and Don’ts of Advocacy: Balancing Personal Beliefs and ProfessionalismPeter Koopman, MD and Sarah Cole, DO, MAFP Advocacy Commission Co-Chairs
12:00 PM1:00 PMAAFP Government Relations Introduction and National Advocacy Update LuncheonAAFP Legislative Team
1:00 PM2:00 PM(a)dvocacy Workshop: How to Effectively Advocate for Yourself in All SituationsBlake I. Markus, JD
Partner, Carson & Coil, P.C.
2:00 PM2:15 PMBreak
2:15 PM3:00 PMThe Role of Organized Medicine in Your Career and How Advocacy HelpsKathy Pabst, MBA, CAE
3:00 PM4:00 PMFunctional Capitol Tour: See Where the Sausage is MadeMAFP Legislative Team
4:00 PM7:00 PMFree Time / Dinner on Your Own
7:00 PM8:30 PMVirtual Legislative Briefing - hosted at Courtyard Marriott or on your ownMAFP Legislative Team

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

StartEndTopicSpeaker / Location
8:00 AM9:00 AMBuffet Breakfast and Advocacy BriefingBrian Bernskoetter
8:45 AMFirst Shuttle Leaves for State Capitol
9:00 AM1:00 PMLegislative VisitsSee Handouts for Appointment Times
9:30 AM12:00 PMMAFP Gathering Location3rd Floor Rotunda – Senate
11:00 AM1:00 PMLunchCourtyard Marriott
1:00 PM3:30 PMMAFP Board MeetingCourtyard Marriott


Make your lodging reservation at the Courtyard Marriott, 610 Bolivar Street, Jefferson City, MO 65101, (573) 761-1400. Be sure to reference the Missouri Academy of Family Physicians to receive the discounted rate of $145 per night. The last day to make a reservation in our block is January 25, 2025. Any reservations made after that date are subject to availability.

Limited complimentary lodging is available with preference to residents and students. To request a complimentary room, email Bill Plank at

Legislative Appointments

We are here to help and will work with you to ensure your voice is heard at the Capitol! MAFP will schedule the legislative appointment(s) for you as needed. An email will be sent to you confirming the appointments and additional information about Advocacy Day.

You can find your legislator here:, which will provide links to their Missouri legislator webpage and contact information.

Questions? Contact MAFP by calling (573) 635-0830 or emailing